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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *dǝwa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: leech
Adyghe: dǝwa
Kabardian: psǝ-dǝwa
Ubykh: dǝwá
Comments: PAK *dǝwá. Shagirov's etymology (*dǝ 'vein' /see *t:a, not attested in AK; we would rather expect PAK *t:a/ + *wa 'to beat'; see Shagirov 1, 157) seems hardly plausible. Therefore, the Ub. word may be regarded as genetically related to PAK *dǝwá (there are no phonetic contradictions for postulating a common WC sourceform).
Proto-West-Caucasian: *dV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 grow numb 2 die 3 dead body
Abaza: qʷa-di 3
Adyghe: dǝ-jǝ-n 1
Kabardian: di-ji-n 1
Ubykh: dǝ-wá- 2
Comments: In AT the root has survived only within the Abaz. compound qʷa-di ( < *qʷa-dǝ-jǝ; for the first part see PWC *q́Iʷa 'dead body').

    The AK languages have preserved the root within three compounds: PAK *dǝ-jǝ- 'grow numb', *dǝ-q:ǝ- id. (Ad., Kab. dǝq:ǝ-n) and *ħa-dá 'dead body' ( = Abaz. qʷa-di id.) > Ad. ħāda, Kab. ħada. Both AK verbs have been borrowed by Abaz. (Abaz. dǝj-ra, dǝq̇-ra). There are absolutely no reasons to suppose that the PAK *ħadá had been borrowed from Ub. á-dǝja 'dead body' (despite Шагиров 2, 116-117).

    Ubykh preserves the root in the reduplicated form (dǝdǝ́- 'grow numb') and in a number of derivates: dǝ-wá- 'to die', dǝ-wá 'death'; dǝ-já (def. á-dǝja) 'dead body', wá-dǝja- 'to perish'. On the possible etymology of the component wa see under *q́Iʷa.

Proto-West-Caucasian: *dʷǝ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: plain, field
Abkhaz: a-dʷǝ́
Ubykh: dʷǝ
Comments: Ub. def. a-dʷǝ́.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *fa-
Meaning: potentiality
Adyghe: fa-
Kabardian: xʷa-
Ubykh: -fa
Proto-West-Caucasian: *fV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to eat
Abkhaz: á-fa-ra
Abaza: fa-ra
Adyghe: šxǝ-n
Kabardian: šxǝ-n
Ubykh: fǝ-
Comments: PAT *fa, PAK *č-xa- (intr.), *č-xǝ- (tr. > Ad., Kab. šxǝ-n), Ub. 1 sg. á-s-fǝ-n (cf. also 'forage, food'). A rare case of PWC *f. In PAK obviously a compound, but its first component is not yet clear etymologically.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ga
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to call 2 to be heard (of sound, voice)
Abkhaz: a-ga-rá 2
Abaza: ga-ra 2
Adyghe: ǯ́a-n 1
Kabardian: ǯa-n 1
Comments: PAT *ga; PAK *ga (the objective form *ja-ga- means also 'to read, learn, study'). See Shagirov 1, 161.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ǵaǵa/*ǵʷaǵwa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 ring 2 circle
Abkhaz: a-gʷargʷaléj 1
Abaza: ǵaǵa 2
Comments: Cf. also Abkh. Bz. a-gʷagʷaléj / a-gʷagʷaréj 'ring', a-ǵargalás 'ring made of twisted branches', Abaz. ǵaǵa-ra 'to roll, turn round'. Reflected are variants *ǵa(r)ǵa and *gʷa(r)gʷa which are hard to separate from each other. Since there are no AK or Ub. parallels, we can assume both *ǵ (*ǵʷ) and *ḱ: (*ḱ:ʷ) in PWC.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ǵaLǝ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: round
Abkhaz: á-ǵaž́
Abaza: ǵaž́ǝ
Comments: PAT *ǵaž́ǝ. Also a verb stem 'to roll': Abkh. á-ǵaž́-ra, Abaz. ǵaž́-ra. Further etymology unclear.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *gǝ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to stand 2 to stand up 3 upon smth. (preverb)
Abkhaz: a-gǝ́-la-ra 1
Abaza: gǝ-la-za-ra 1
Adyghe: ta-ǯ́ǝ-n 2
Kabardian: ta-ǯǝ-n 2
Ubykh: ǵǝ-
Comments: PAT *gǝ-la- (*-la- is a locative verbal root indicating direction of action). PAK *ta-ǵǝ- (the meaning of the first component is not quite clear - see Шагиров 2, 69 on its possible etymology).

    In Ub. the preverb ǵǝ- is used to indicate that the action is taking place on surface of smth. (ǵǝ-s- 'sit upon smth.', ǵǝ-tʷ- 'be upon smth.' etc.). There are reasons to think that the root *gǝ had had this function already in PWC (cf. the common WC compound *gA-LA- 'to fall (from above, from the surface) q.v.).

Proto-West-Caucasian: *Gǝba ( ~ -p:-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: boat, vessel
Abkhaz: á-ʁba
Abaza: ʁba
Ubykh: ʁǝbá
Comments: PAT *ɣǝba; Ub. def. á-ʁba.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ǵǝĺǝ /ḳ́- (~g/ḳ)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to tickle; feel ticklish
Adyghe: Lǝǯ́ǝ-n
Kabardian: ǯǝLǝ-n/č̣ǝLǝ-n
Ubykh: ḳ́ǝ́L-
Comments: PAK *gǝLǝ / *ḳǝLǝ (with a metathesis in Ad.); Ub. a-ḳ́ǝ́Lǝ-n. An expressive root with secondary glottalisation in Kab. (where a variant with voiced *g- is also reflected) and Ub.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *gǝʒa ?
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: big
Ubykh: ǵǝʒa
Comments: Isolated in Ub. with obscure etymology.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *-gV-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to dance 2 silly, silly person
Abkhaz: ága 2
Abaza: laga 2
Adyghe: wǝǯ́ǝ-n 1
Kabardian: wǝǯǝ-n 1
Ubykh: wǝǵ- 1
Comments: PAK *wǝgǝ- (also a noun *wǝgǝ́ > Ad. wǝǯ́ǝ, Kab. wǝǯ 'round dance with singing'); Ub. sǝ-wǝ́ǵǝ-n (qualified as an Adygh loanword in Vogt 1963, but possibly genuine). *wǝ- is a common WC morpheme with the meaning 'to do, to make (smth.)'; PAT *aga (Abaz. laga is perhaps influenced by lǝg 'slave'?). The same root (reduplicated, or at least constituting the first part of a compound) can be found in PAK *gagʷǝ- 'to play' (Ad. ǯ́agʷǝ-n, Kab. ǯagʷǝ-n), *gágʷǝ 'play, feast, wedding' (Ad. ǯ́agʷ, Kab. ǯagʷ).

    The semantic correlation "to dance, play" - "to be silly" recurs in the same root in EC languages as well, thus the relationship between AT and other WC forms seems secure enough.

Proto-West-Caucasian: *-ǵV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 conjunctive particle 2 imperative
Abkhaz: -ǵǝ 1
Abaza: -ǵǝ
Adyghe: 1
Ubykh: -ǵǝ 1, -ǵa, (3p.) -ǵaqʷ
Comments: Probably = conjunctive particle *-ǵǝ.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *gV ( ~ *ǵ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to twist, spin (thread)
Adyghe: ǯ́ǝ-n, ǯ́a-n
Kabardian: ǯǝ-n, ǯa-n
Comments: PAK *gǝ- (trans.), *ga- (intrans.).
Proto-West-Caucasian: *gʷa (~*ǵʷ-,*k:ʷ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: near
Abkhaz: ā́jgʷa
Abaza: argʷa-nǝ
Comments: PAT *ajǝ-gʷa / *arǝ-gʷa (with pronominal or reflexive prefixation; in Abaz. cf. also ajgʷa 'friend'). The Abkh. form ājgʷa goes back to *ʕa-ajǝ-gʷa with an additional locative prefix.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *gʷan(ǝ)ž́a
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: knee
Adyghe: ʎa-gwānǯa
Kabardian: ʎa-gwāźa
Comments: PAK *ʎa-gʷa(n)žá (*ʎa 'foot, leg' q.v.). It is hardly possible (for semantic reasons) to compare the AK form with Ub. ǵanć̣á 'handle' (see Shagirov 1977, 249).
Proto-West-Caucasian: *gʷara
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 yard 2 fence 3 enclosure
Abkhaz: a-gʷára 1
Abaza: gʷara 2
Kabardian: gʷaran 3
Ubykh: gʷā́ʁa 1,3
Comments: PAT *gʷara; Ub. def. a-gʷā́ʁa. The Kab. word has a specific meaning: 'a place in court, divided into three parts: for the judge, for the accused and for the witnesses'.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ǵʷǝ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: heart
Abkhaz: a-gʷǝ́
Abaza: gʷǝ
Adyghe: gʷǝ
Kabardian: gʷǝ
Ubykh: ǵǝ
Comments: PAT *gʷǝ, PAK *gʷǝ, Ub. def. a-ǵǝ́.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *Gʷǝ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 board 2 post, pole 3 stake
Abkhaz: a-ʁʷǝ́ 1
Abaza: ʁʷǝ 1
Adyghe: pč́a-ʁʷǝ 3
Kabardian: bža-ʁʷ 3
Ubykh: ʁʷǝ 2
Comments: PAT *ɣʷǝ; PAK *p:č́:a-ʁʷǝ́ (where the first part is probably the same as PAK *p:č́:ǝ 'lance', see Bagov 1968). Abdokov (1983, 127) compares the AK and Ub. forms not with AA *ɣʷǝ, but with AA *-ʕʷanǝ in *c̣ʷǝ-ʕʷanǝ 'stake' - which, in our opinion, should be rather derived from PWC *q̇́ʷǝnV 'peg, stake' (q.v.).
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